The magic of the spectacular Las Fallas in Valencia

Las Fallas in Valencia

Are you ready to experience the magic of Las Fallas in Valencia?

Prepare to be swept away by the exciting energy and loud bangs of Las Fallas! Las Fallas is the biggest street party in Spain. It’s like stepping into a magical world filled with huge, handmade statues called ‘fallas’. People dress up in fancy clothes, looking like princes and princesses in their beautiful dresses. And when they add lots of fireworks every night, the party gets even better! To really experience Fallas, you have to go to Valencia and join in the fun.

The magic of Las Fallas unfolds over the course of several weeks in March, but the true heart of the celebration beats strongest during the final week, from March 15th to 19th. This is when the city truly comes alive, pulsating with the rhythm of music, laughter, and the crackling sounds of fireworks.

At Steppi, you’ll have a prime spot to witness the action, right by Plaza del Ayuntamiento where the daily ‘mascletà’ takes place. The mascletà is not your ordinary fireworks display; it’s an explosion of big bangs and spectacle! In a great mascletà, you can even detect a rhythm, creating a musical extravaganza for the ears, according to the Valencians. Picture yourself standing among the crowds of enthusiastic partygoers as the clock hits 2:00 PM, signaling the start of the booming fireworks display that fills the air with excitement.

But Las Fallas isn’t just about the deafening booms of fireworks; it’s a feast for the senses at every turn. Wander through the streets adorned with beautiful Fallas sculptures, each one a masterpiece of creativity and craftsmanship. These big sculptures, often humorous and critical, show many different topics, from things that happened in the past to what’s happening in society now.

As night falls, Valencia transforms into a mesmerizing wonderland, illuminated by the warm glow of thousands of lights. The streets pulse with life as locals and visitors alike gather to celebrate the festivities. From traditional parades featuring colorful costumes and lively music to bustling markets offering mouthwatering delicacies, there’s something to delight everyone’s senses.

And then comes the grand finale – ‘La Cremà’ on March 19th – a moment both exhilarating and bittersweet. As the clock strikes midnight, the Fallas sculptures are set ablaze in a breathtaking display of flames, symbolizing the triumph of light over darkness. The air is filled with the crackle of burning wood and the cheers of the crowd, creating an atmosphere charged with emotion and excitement.

But beyond just the show, there’s a deep respect for tradition and history. Valencians cherish Las Fallas deeply, passing its rituals and traditions from one generation to the next. It’s a celebration that brings people together, showcasing their creativity and strength – a true reflection of Valencia’s spirit.

So, whether you’re a seasoned traveler or experiencing Las Fallas for the first time, come join us in Valencia for an unforgettable journey into the heart of Spanish culture. Let the spirit of Las Fallas ignite your passion and leave you with memories to treasure for a lifetime!

Las Fallas Program

Friday, March 1st

14:00 Opening ceremony ‘Mascletà’ at Plaza del Ayuntamiento

Saturday, March 2nd

14:00 ‘Mascletà’ at Plaza del Ayuntamiento

17:30 ‘Cabalgata del Ninot’ (parade through the city

00:00 Fireworks show at Plaza del Ayuntamiento

Sunday, March 3rd

12:00 Music at Plaza del Ayuntamiento

14:00 ‘Mascletà’ at Plaza del Ayuntamiento

20:00 Opening of Fallas ‘Crida’ at Torres de Serranos

Monday, March 4th till Thursday, March 14th

14:00 ‘Mascletà’ at Plaza del Ayuntamiento

00:00 Fireworks show at Plaza del Ayuntamiento (only in the weekends)

Friday, March 15th

09:00 Start of Fallas week with ‘Plantà’

14:00 ‘Mascletà’ at Plaza del Ayuntamiento

17:00 Closing of Ninot exhibition

17:30 NinotIndultat 2024 lecture

17:45 Fallas pick up the sculptures ‘ninots’

00:00 Entire city illuminated during ‘L’Albà de les Falles’ with fireworks at Plaza del Ayuntamiento

Saturday, March 16th

08:00 Fallas sculptures set up during ‘Plantà’

14:00 ‘Mascletà’ at Plaza del Ayuntamiento

16:30 Best ‘Ninot’ (sculptures) at Plaza del Ayuntamiento

00:00 Fireworks at Albereda – Palau de les arts

Sunday, March 17th

09:30 Awards ceremony at Plaza del Ayuntamiento

14:00 ‘Mascletà’ at Plaza del Ayuntamiento

15:30 Parade ending at Mare de Déu

00:00 Fireworks at Albereda – Palau de les arts

Monday, March 18th

10:30 Tribute to poet Maximiliano Thous at the monument at the intersection of Sagunto street and the street named after him

14:00 ‘Mascletà’ at Plaza del Ayuntamiento

15:30 Flower offering to ‘Virgen de los Desamparados’ at Plaza de la Virgen

21:00 Food and drinks with a fireworks show at Palau de les arts

00:00 Nit del Foc, fireworks at Albereda – Palau de les arts

Monday, March 19th

11:00 Flower offering to ‘Virgen de los Desamparados’ at Plaza de la Virgen

12:00 Mass in honor of Sant Josep at Valencia Cathedral

14:00 ‘Mascletà’

19:00 Fire parade from Colón to Ruzafa to Porta la Mar square

20:00 Cremà of all children’s fallas

20:30 Cremà of the winning children’s falla

21:00 Cremà of the children’s falla at Plaza del Ayuntamiento

22:00 Cremà of all fallas in Valencia

22:30 Cremà of the winning falla

23:00 Cremà of the falla at Plaza del Ayuntamiento

00:00 Fireworks show at Plaza del Ayuntamiento

Read here. more about what to do in valencia.

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